Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Gainfully unemployed

Had my first brush with the rough side of American capitalism today. Most of the engineering force where I work was ‘let go’ and I made the charts.

I was relieved.

To be free of toil for even a few days in this glorious weather is a blessing. A paid vacation with medical insurance? It’s a sign that the man upstairs has chosen me on this turn of the roulette.

Now, in how many ways can one be idle?

Lounge on the banks of the Charles with book, beer and blanket – Wednesday
Lounge in Boston Common with book, beer and blanket – Thursday
Lounge in Arnold Arboretum with aforementioned items - Friday
Heated yoga, hair salon – Saturday

…………and she lived happily ever after. Or at least till the credit card companies began sending love notes.

That’s my stance and I’m sticking to it!