Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ganja in Wonderland

I have long suspected that some serious Ganja was involved in the writing of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and this link just confirms it (not ganja really, but close). Explains why ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feels like a trip whereas ‘Haroun and the sea of stories’, a book that I usually think about in the same thought signal i think about ‘Alice in Wonderland’, feels like a serious endeavor at writing fantasy.

How come the once I tried this weed I fell promptly asleep while some others are obviously able to write beautiful fiction?

1 comment:

Vignettes said...

:) like your posts too. BTW, I don't need weed to get high. Am sensitive to some medicines, and just Brufen (Ibuprofen) will do it for me. Strange if I ever write something as classic on Brufen.