Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Pursuing Happiness

New Yorker and fine writing are synonymous; anyone could have told you that.

Every week I discover at least one article that I think is profound, intriguing or just beautifully written. February’s issue had an article about the pursuit of happiness that made interesting read.

There was a time when I had fancied myself as being unhappy and went around spouting such nonsense as “Sorrow is more profound than happiness”. Now that I'm older and wiser by a fraction, I am gobble smacked that I am not skipping merrily about. My “set point” is perhaps not given to happiness. To find out what I’m talking about read the article. I promise you’ll thank me for it!

1 comment:

frissko said...

"There was a time when I had fancied myself as being palpably unhappy and was spouting such nonsense as “Sorrow is more profound than happiness”. "

I guess there is a law of conservation for the number of people who think that way!!..linking u to a post i wrote sometime back...not specifically on this...but related..http://frissko.blogspot.com/2005/08/art-and-anguish.html